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Thursday 15 September 2022

10000 Hours Rule


If you work for 24 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 2 months x 24 hrs

If you work for 23 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 3 months x 23 hrs

If you work for 22 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 3 months x 22 hrs

If you work for 21 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 4 months x 21 hrs

If you work for 20 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 5 months x 20 hrs

If you work for 19 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 6 months x 19 hrs

If you work for 18 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 7 months x 18 hrs

If you work for 17 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 8 months x 17 hrs

If you work for 16 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 9 months x 16 hrs

If you work for 15 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 1 years & 10 months x 15 hrs

If you work for 14 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 2 years & 0 months x 14 hrs

If you work for 13 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 2 years & 2 months x 13 hrs

If you work for 12 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 2 years & 4 months x 12 hrs

If you work for 11 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 2 years & 7 months x 11 hrs

If you work for 10 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 2 years & 10 months x 10 hrs

If you work for 9 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 3 years & 1 months x 9 hrs

If you work for 8 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 3 years & 6 months x 8 hrs

If you work for 7 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 4 years & 0 months x 7 hrs

If you work for 6 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 4 years & 8 months x 6 hrs

If you work for 5 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 5 years & 7 months x 5 hrs

If you work for 4 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 7 years & 0 months x 4 hrs

If you work for 3 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 9 years & 4 months x 3 hrs

If you work for 2 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 14 years & 0 months x 2 hrs

If you work for 1 hours/day

10,000 hrs = 28 years & 0 months x 1 hrs

Therefore Work Harder Every Day! Atleast 9 hrs - 14 hrs/ Day!

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Code For Good Hackathon Tips

Here are Some of the Useful Tips for Selection for Internship in Code For Good Event.

Be Confident! Everyone is in the same boat, feeling anxious and skeptical. Be confident of your skills.

Make a Google doc/Trello/Notion or similar space for collaboration.

Get acquainted with GitHub, that is where evaluation will take place.

Start researching about the NPOs as soon as their names are released 

  • Mission statement 
  • Objectives of the organization 
  • Where do they function(demographic, webpage/app) 
  • Go through their social media handles

In the morning(7 am), problem statements will be released and teams will be given 30-60min to go through them 
a. crucial time 
b. decide the project, tech stack, probable solution 
c. Pain point at this point: conflicts amongst team members, resolve them, all should be team players 
d. Fill the form quickly, to receive the choices that you filled

A buffer time of 1hr will be given, after which team can interact with their NPOs to gain insights 
a. 30-40% efforts should be made on understanding the problem statement 
b. Know the requirements well, for instance, they might not require a website/app so think otherwise

Do not be domination, be a team player 

Think of a team name before hand

It is not necessary that the winning team will get the internship, the team who displays the best team collaboration will land up an internship role.

Have templates ready before hackathon due to time crunch and limited resources: 
  • UI/UX template 
  • PPT template [10 Slides] 
  • Video template if any 
  • GitHub readme template 
  • Web/App templates 
  • Go through github projects for similar tasks to save time

observe space efficient ways in hackathon during video editing or any other development

Functionality/Features are More Important than UI/UX Design

SMEs are people skilled in their domain(ML Framework, Github and so on) & seek their help whenever needed.

Push your code side by side, do not wait till the end, since issues can crop up on GitHub and make a panic environment for the team

Here is a list of websites that can come handy and useful to designers, developers and students.
  • PPTS : Slidesgo, Prezi. Google Slides
  • Screen Recording : ApowerSoft
  • Designing Flowcharts: Lucidcharts / creately
  • Brochure Designing: Canva
  • Todos and Reminder: Trello
  • Github Readme generator.
  • UI Designing: Figma

2 hrs before project submission, start with your deliverables 
  • Video [Most Important]
  • Read Me 
  • PPT

Make a user friendly demo, not something where u are opening cmd

  • If an NPO does not specify a web/app, select one where the requirements can be integrated efficiently, if requirements are of camera, live location, dynamic notification, then go for APP
  • if your user does not come on portal often, notifications are not to be updated often, then opt for web

Search CFG-github to get project from past Code for Good Events.

Some Hackathon Articles to Read:

Hope You find the Above Article Helpful! 
Do Mention your Views 👍🏻 in Comments!

JP Morgan Interview Experience | Code For Good 2021 | Internship in May 2022

A.) Application Process + Resume [Pre-Requisite]

The Code For Good event is the only means by which the students can apply for the Software Engineer Program (SEP) at JP Morgan Chase & Co.

First Step was to Apply for JP Morgan [On Campus] for Software Engineer Program, 2022.  

CGPA Cutoff : 7 CGPA & No Backlog [For Application Process]

The Students who were in Second Year of College [4th Semester] were Eligible for this Internship Offer.


B.) Round 1 : Online Test

Test was conducted on 20 February,2021. [Fourth Semester of College]

Platform: Hacker Rank

Time: 75 minutes  

Marks:  100 marks having 2 programming questions, each of 50 marks. [There is no negative marking.]

Note: It was mandatory to attempt both the questions.  

The difficulty level of these questions was fairly easy.

1. Given an Array of String containing names of Tools (can have duplicates), the Starting index and A Target Tool, find the Minimum Number of Steps required to reach the target tool from the starting index. The Array is Circular, that is, If you reach the End of the array, you can go to its start and vice versa.

Sample Testcase:

Tools : ['saw', 'hammer', 'mallet', 'file', 'saw', 'ladder', 'scissor']

Starting Index : 6 {i.e. 'scissor'}

To Find : 'saw'


Minimum Steps = min(2 Steps to Left, 1 Step to Right [Circular]) = 1 Step

2. Given a Linked List having either 0 or 1 as its elements, find the decimal representation of the binary number formed by the nodes of the list.

Sample Testcase:  

Linked List = [1→ 0 → 1 → 1 → 0]



Decimal of 10110 = (2^4 + 2^2 + 2^1) = 16 + 4 + 2 = 22

Tip: The Faster you do [with Accuracy], the better are your Chances of Selection.

I completed the Test in 14 mins & was Selected for Next Round.


C.) Round 2 : Video Interview

The Video Interview took place on 10th March 2021 on the Hirevue Platform. There were 2 behavioral-based questions, flashed on screen one after the other. And it’s a recorded video interview, and the best part was that you can Retake your video but only once for each video. You will be given 30 secs to prepare for each question, and then you can start recording your answer.

Online Video Interview Questions:

1. Tell about your Experience when you have been Assigned to Some Task in-School Project, or at Work, and you have done beyond that.

2. Tell Something that you have to Learn from your Recent Mistake.

Pro Tip: Dress in Formal [Shows you are Serious towards this Internship] during the Interview and Be Natural and Honest [Don't Bluff] While Answering the Behavioral Question.  

Shortlisting was Based on all three Parameter

  • Resume + CGPA
  • Online Coding Test Performance
  • HireVue Interview Round

JP Morgan Chase announces the final participant shortlist for the Code For Good event on 1 May,2021. I got selected for Round 3 [Code For Good Event].  


E.) Round 3(Code for Good Hackathon):

The Hackathon was conducted Virtually all over the country (India). All the selected candidates are divided into a team of 6-7 members by the company (Different students from Different Colleges). There are some Workshop Session [2 Day Prior to Actual Hackathon] on Topics like Hackathon Survival Guide, Hackathon Tool Preparation [Trello], FLARE Workshop, Power of Empathy in Coding.

Tip: Please do attend the Workshop, since it would definitely save your time during real hackathon.


Final Hackathon [2 Day] 

On the day of the hackathon, there were be 5 problem statements given by different NGOs connected to the company.  

Around 10 mins are given to all the teams to order their interesting statements (It is like Fastest Finger First). Once the time is over they will let you know the problem statement you are Allotted with.

Tip: Be Ready to Submit your Preference within 30 seconds to 1 Minute, So that you get the Problem Statement that You Find it resonating with Teams Strengths.  


CFG is 24-hour Hackathon where you are given time till next day morning and 2-3 Mentors also allotted to each team and SME’s also be available in case if you need any Technical help. Make sure you commit your changes to the GitHub time to time so that you won’t miss any code.

After the hackathon time, We have to upload the project on to the portal [BeMyApp] and reviews are done by the Technical team and the Respective NGO. After all the Reviews at the end of the event Winners would be announced!

Tip: Make a Good Video Covering all the Key Functionalities of the Project.


To clear this round, You need to have a knowledge in Full Stack Development and be more Interactive during the hackathon.

Your Team might/might not have Won the Hackathon for the Code For Good Event, But Still If You Worked Really Well & Mentors Do Acknowledge this Fact then You Chances of Getting Selected Increases.  

You are Judged Based of What you Do in those 24 Hours of Hackathon.

  • How you Divide your Work [Team Work]
  • Considering Others Opinion and Not Dominating
  • Solving Issues with Patience
  • Respecting Everyone in the Group and there Contributions

By End of the Month [31 July,2021] Results were announced and I was Selected for Internship. 😄

Do you Best and Give your Best Shot for Code For Good! 

Sunday 22 March 2020

Q.O.D.S - Lets BrainStorm!!

Question of the Day Series

An Initiative by Blogger

Question of the Day Series (Day 1): How Google Maps Works?

      1.)   Answer_Link_1

2.)   Answer_Link_2

3.)   Answer_Link_3

4.)   Answer_Link_4

5.)   Answer_Link_5

Questions of the Day Series (Day 2):

Some have used to download Movies, Software and Big Files. But

How Torrent Works?

1.)   Answer_Link_1

2.)   It creates a link b/w our computer and a remote computer where the file is located
And help us to access or download the file
It also works on the concept on seeds and peers where file is downloaded in segments and later compiled as one single file locally.. Systems uploading the file are called seeds and systems downloading the files are called peers

3.)   Answer_Link_3

4.)   Answer_Link_4

5.)   Answer_Link_5

Question of the Day Series (Day 3/10)


How does a search engine company go about indexing and storing information about the billions of webpages online at a given time, especially when pages are constantly being created and deleted? (HINT: - web crawling, data mining, databases, parallel computing)

1.)   Answer_Link_1 

      2.)   Answer_Link_2 

      3.)   Answer_Link_3

      4.)   Answer_Link_4
      5.)   Answer_Link_5

Question of the Day Series (Day 4/10)


1.)  How come the in-game enemies seem to be 'smart' and able to learn from your actions? (Hint: - artificial intelligence)

            1.)     Answer_Link_1

            2.)    Answer_Link_2

            3.) Heuristics and scanning the possible game states helps the agent to make decisions.
Game AI consists of several sophisticated algorithms, like the classic Min-Max algorithm used in Tic-Tac-Toe, or Alpha-Beta Pruning to eliminate game states which are of lesser value.

2.) How is it possible for you and dozens of other people to play online simultaneously and still have the game feel responsive most of the time? (Hint: - networking, client-server architecture)

1.) I think this might be optimizing problem, where, network engineers and database designers work together to bring the most of the available resources. System Design is one field which is mainly focused by developers of user-end applications.

Choosing the right Client-Server topography and efficient rerouting skills make the game/product to maintain uniformity, hence reducing input lags and irresponsive games, which eventually improves user experience.

Question of the Day Series (Day 5/10)

As modern planes become more and more automated, with more of their subsystems being controlled by software components, how can you feel safe flying on a machine where a single software bug could jeopardize hundreds of lives? How can we find difficult-to-squash bugs and give guarantees that software is functioning correctly? (Hint: - software reliability, program analysis)

                  1.)   Rigorous testing and quality assurance checks are done to ensure that bugs are not occurred when the user is using the product. New features are added to Dev builds and are tested thoroughly, and then is released to the public.Version control and good contributor community are some key factors which play a role in software reliability.

2.)   Answer_Link_2

3.)   Answer_Link_3

4.)   Answer_Link_4

5.)   Answer_Link_5

Question of the Day Series (Day 6/10)


How come the self-check-in kiosks are so easy to use and much more efficient than waiting in line for people to check you in? You just swipe a credit card, and you're all set! (Hint: - user interface, networking, databases)

1.)   Kiosks have smart scanners which are linked to the global database. Once a user performs a transaction, the details are processed in the cloud, by server-client communication, where the transaction details are processed by the main server and changes are made in the database.Efficiency is brought here by good Database design, along with best practices for securing and making the network fast enough, which helps in improving transaction experience

2.)   Answer_Link_2 

      3.)   Answer_Link_3 

      4.)   Answer_Link_4

      5.)   Answer_Link_5

Question of the Day Series (Day 7/10)

How Facebook Uses Machine-Learning? “People You May Know" Feature in Facebook/LinkedIn

(Hints:-Facial Recognition, Textual Analysis (Deep Text), Targeted Advertising, Language Translation & News Feed)

1.)    Answer_Link_1 

      2.)    Answer_Link_2 
      3.)    Answer_Link_3

      4.)    Answer_Link_4

      5.)    Answer_Link_5

Question of the Day Series (Day 8/10)


How can you be reasonably confident that nobody will steal your credit card number while you are shopping online?


How is your Info Secured in Internet? (Network security, cryptography)

1.)    Answer_Link_1

2.)    Answer_Link_2

3.)    Answer_Link_3

4.)    Answer_Link_4

5.)    Answer_Link_5

Question of the Day Series (Day 9/10)


How can high-quality photos, audio, and video be compressed so much (1/10 to 1/100 of original size) without losing much quality? (Hint: - lossy compression algorithms)

1.)    Answer_Link_1

      2.)    Answer_Link_2

      3.)    Answer_Link_3

      4.)    Answer_Link_4

      5.)    Answer_Link_5

Sunday 19 January 2020

TechFest 2020 IIT-Bombay

Image result for techfest iit bombay

TechFest IIT-B 

TechFest 2020 IIT-Bombay

Welcome to Asia's largest Science and Technology festival!!Fasten You Seat Belts and lets Begin the Thrilling Adrenaline Rush!!

The Event Coming Up Below!!!Scroll to Enjoy!!


TechFest IIT-B Initial Day Journey (1 & 2 Jan,2020)

Our Journey Started with Planning way Before 2 Month in November with Lots of Confusion Regarding What to Chose for Workshop??Which Events to Attend??Accommodation??Price??Train Journey??Internal Travel??Communication?? and Lot More.
After 10 day Long Discussions, all the Confusion was Cleared and We did the Registration.

Due to End Sems,The Train Booking Got Postponed to November 24,But Still We Managed to Book Return Tickets(From Mumbai to Surat) First and then Tickets To IIT-B(We will reach For Techfest Anyhow)(Mistake in Last Journey should not be Repeated,If you want to find the Mistake read

Finally All things were Set and Mission Initiated!!We reached Mumbai via a Train.

Journey in Train from Surat

We also Travelled in AC Bus to IIT-B Main Gate while witnessing Beautiful Architecture.

Architectural Brilliance!!

The Powai Lake and Greenery Around!!(PIC)

Selfie Point Near Powai Lake
                                                               What a Green Picture!!

Worst Part of 1 January,2020 === """Accommodation Line(Pic)"""
OMG!!What a Big Queue for Accomodation!!

We also Got a Great Welcome Kit as Shown Below!!

Sponsers of Welcome Kit!!

What a Welcome KIT!!

Were made to Stand in Long Queue for 4 hrs and Finally Got Accommodation and Sight of Relief!!(No more Energy to Do Blogging Today!!)(Hostel 16 C PiC)
Hostel 16 C
2 Jan - I had Android Development Workshop,But the Whole College were doing Preparations for 3rd Jan TechFest Events with Zeal and Enthusiasm.

Android Development Workshop (Morning)
Android Devlopment Workshop(Afternoon)

Lets have a Look at the Classroom of Android Development Workshop at IIT-B.
Projector and BlackBoard is Cool!!
Lecture Hall is Like a Mini Theatre!!
While the TechFest Preperations were going onn,lets Explore its Nearby Areas and Look where we ended up!!

Exploring Nearby IIT-B Campus

Powai Lake Behind!!

We also travelled a Lot Walking in Nearby Posh(way too Costly) Area Witnessing the Architecture,Global Brand Shops and Fine Deluxe Restaurant and Bars.

Great Restaurant to Dine Out and Try Dishes,whose Name was Also New and Strange!!

We were Tired of Walking around 10 kms that day,So Now it's time for Rest.

TechFest Day 1 (3 Jan,2020)

Workshop From 8 am to 4 pm,So could Not Witness Lecture Series of Bhutan PM and Vidya Balan.
Classroom Pics
But After 4 pm,we Gathered for Sight Seeing at Powai Lake.(Picture Shown Above )

Want to Know the Resources Shared in Workshop??Click Below!!

Blog for Resources shared in Android Development Workshop

Click on the Events Name to View the Complete Event!!Enjoy!!

Night Events of 3rd Jan were Mind-Blowing

International Robowars

RoboWar 1

RoboWar 2


Artist(Krzysztof Reiwold) Performance

Artist(Juan Pablo) Performance

Convocation Theatre Events

Mirror Laserman Show

Skeleton Dance Crew

Comment Down at the End on 'How were the Night Events' in this Blog!!

TechFest Day 2 (4 Jan,2020)

I was Free from Workshop for Next 2 Days,So Let's Explore the Events in Techfest.

Witness all the Competitions and TechnoConnect (IIT Bombay RnD Expo)
Drone Challenge was also there(Comment if You want a video related to this as well!!)

RoboVR Arena

Some New College Friends On the Way!!

Astel,Dhrutik and Blogger at Robowars!!

Pranav & Blogger at Convo 

The Paintings Were Just Awesome,Have A Look!!!

Click on the Events Name to View the Complete Event!!Enjoy!!
Day Events

Lecture Series - RoboThespian
International Full Throttle

Night Events 


Artist (Gaia Ma) Performance 

Convocation Theatre Events

How were the Events??Do let me Know in the Comments Below!!

TechFest Day 3 (5 Jan,2020)

International Exhibitions

Welcome to International Exhibition
Future AureVan!!

Mahindra Racing Experience Zone

Gymkhana Concert Night

Highlights Of the Event!!

Back to Surat via Train

Return Back to Surat via Train!!Enjoyed the Event to Fullest!!

Trip Finally Ended with Great Memories for Life and Inspire us to Learn and Explore More in Technology Field.

The IIT-B Students managed the Event like Professional like the lights,Music,Arrangements,Food,Accommodation,Travel,Map,Sponsors,Marketing!😅,Decoration,Teamwork and Task Delegation.

Communication was Superb among IITB Manager and team..Due to which the Event was Conducted Smoothly.

Links to Workshop Learning 

1.) Google Cloud By Ann Mary⁩ & Anjali⁩ (link)
2.) Digital Marketing By Anjali (link)
3.) Ethical Hacking By Krishna (link)
4.) Data Analytics By Krithika (link)
5.) Android By Sakshi⁩, Nandhini⁩ , Krishna⁩, Himani⁩ & Bhagya (link)

I will be Updating the Blog as Soon as I get My Friends Workshop Blog Links For Collective Benefit Of All Blog Viewers!!

Credits & Thanks : IIT-Bombay TechFest Managers ,Event Co-ordinators and Team of S.V.N.I.T Students(Anjali,Ann Mary,Himani,Krithikha,Nandhini,Sakshi,Krishna,Astel,Dhrutik,Pranav,Bhagya)

Thanks For Investing your Precious Time for getting the Insights of  TechFest 2020.Hope you all Liked the Blog!!Do Comment Your Experience and Suggestions!!

End Of Journey with Celebrations!!
Waahh!! Dil Khush Ho Gaya!!